quinta-feira, novembro 24, 2005
UM DOS GRANDES PRAZERES da vida é poder se deliciar com as obras de nossos heróis literários (pelo menos para mim, está lá no alto da lista de coisas que fazem bem a mim mesmo)! Assim, tenho passado grandes momentos com os contos completos do Evelyn Waugh (1903-1966) em belíssima edição da Everyman's Library/Knopf. Muitas vezes encontrei em Waugh a expressão de idiossincrasias e opiniões minhas (algo já deve ter transpirado neste blog, mas muito mais ainda está por vir). Quando acabar, prometo postar longa e encomiástica resenha!!!
terça-feira, novembro 01, 2005
Entre aspas - V
"Metaphysics is a refuge for men who have a strong desire to appear learned and profound but have nothing worth hearing to say. Their speculations have helped mankind hardly more than those of the astrologers. What we regard as good in metaphysics is really psychology: the rest is only blah. Ordinarily, it does not even produce good phrases, but is dull and witless. The accumulated body of philosophical speculation is hopelessly self-contradictory. It is not a system at all, but simply a quarreling congeries of systems. The thing that makes philosophers respected is not actually their profundity, but simply their obscurity. They translate vague and dubious ideas into high-sounding words, and their dupes assume, as they assume themselves, that the resulting obfuscation is a contribution to knowledge."
— H. L. Mencken (1880-1956)
— H. L. Mencken (1880-1956)
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