terça-feira, maio 24, 2005


WELCOME, O FEARLESS wanderer, lost in these unchartered shores of the virtual sea! Come in, make thyself at home and leave not the hope as thou cross these doorsteps. Ease thy mind from the overwhelming labours and look for some meaning, some curious thought amidst the signs that now dance before thy weary eyes... Lo! Unstoppable Time does lay strata of many a quaint old and forgotten lore - or, as some say, it does bury the ever-elusive Truth under unfathomable layers of dust! Be it from delectable leisure that soon shall pass, be it from an unquenchable thirst for words and sophism, do read, merrily, these pages. Pray that, in the end, thou may wander forth with the delicate impression of such feeble, passing thoughts upon thy soul - but may thy spirit also carry the remembrance of such welcoming harbour as a sure destination in thy coming voyages...